More changes than normal

I am not normally a fan of altering a photo with lots of photoshop, but sometimes I think it needs it.

Like this image of the Taj Mahal that I took a year ago ( almost to the day ). The main building was just in the last phases of 4 year cleaning project and there were 2 domes on the building that had scaffolding on them. While I was happy with my original shot, when it came time to print the image to hang on my wall I wanted the building to look it’s best.

So I set about digitally removing the scaffolding, and some 10 hours of photoshop work later ( mainly using the stamp tool ), this is the result.

And if you want to see exactly what has changed below is a “before and after” of the 2 images, with a slider between them.


Why we don't shoot and edit jpegs / Why don't we shoot and edit jpegs?


Astrophotography in Hawkes Bay