The Miltones

On Friday 7 July The Miltones ( ) brought a stripped down version of their show to The Common Room in Hastings.  I went along both to hear them live and also to take a few shots, and to try out a new setup for the the jpeg images on my Fujifilm X-E2.

The crowd was quite small, but Milly, Guy and Liam put on a great show, and were more than happy to sign my copy of their debut album.

So here are all the photos that I took; all are as they came out of camera except that I have resized them to suit the blog format.  They were mostly shot at ISO6400, with a few at ISO3200 and ISO2000. The wider images are shot on the 35mm f1.4 Fujinon lens (at f1.4) and the tighter images on my Nikon 85mm f1.8 lens (at f1.8) using an adapter to suit the Fujifilm camera. The film simulation used in camera is Monochrome + Red filter.



The Bads, at the Old Mill, Napier, 15 July 2017


The world against the light