A month in the life

So for the month of November our local photo club ( Hawke's Bay Photographic Society www.hbps.co.nz ) has had a "photo a day" challenge in the Facebook group, so I thought I would compile my 30 images into a blog post.

I set myself 2 additional challenges for these 30 shots:

  1. to try to shoot different, more intimate photos than my normal landscapes
  2. use only Fujifilm X series cameras (the photo a day challenge coincided with me borrowing a X100T from a friend and then purchasing 2 second hand X-E2 models) and post the jpegs off these cameras.

Below are the photos I took, in order.  Each shot was taken and uploaded on a different day, and were all taken whilst doing things that I would have been doing anyway.  I didn't make any special trips / effort to go to new locations just to shoot these photos.

Hopefully it shows that interesting shots are all around us, and sometimes we just need to look for them. 

As always feel free to comment below.





Does every photo need to be a work of art?


All the hits, none of the misses